Posts tagged with "campaign"

17. September 2020
After having made the case for a strategic lobby and advocacy campaign in part I of this mini series, I walked your through the main steps of any successful campaign in part II. With these two steps safely under out belt, it is now time to look at practical ideas. This week’s post features a wide range of possible activities to be used during your campaign. A treasure chest filled with hands-on advice and plenty of background information.

16. September 2020
In last week’s article I build an argument for lobby and advocacy campaigns to increase the changes of peacebuilding projects to be successful. But not everything that comes dressed as a campaign is a campaign. In order to develop its full potential and lend significant weight to your work, a lobby and advocacy campaign needs to be done right.

15. September 2020
Are you working on peacebuilding and conflict transformation? Are you active in a highly complex environment? Do you often have the feeling that the power balance is not in your favour? That much of your direct peacebuilding and conflict transformation work is barely scratching the surface when it comes to influencing the underlying dynamics? If that is the case then you could benefit from a lobby and advocacy campaign complementing your peacebuilding and conflict transformation work.