The Peacebuilding Practitioner Podcast Season 2

A new peacebuilding podcast season starts today. This time, it's all about conflict sensitive journalism.
A new peacebuilding podcast season starts today. This time, it's all about conflict sensitive journalism.

Conflict Sensitive Journalism with Antonia Koop

Today is the launch date for Season 2 of The Peacebuilding Practitioner podcast. Season 2 is all about conflict sensitivity. And as you can expect from this resource page cum podcast, the show is packed with hands-on advice, tested tools and frameworks, and explained through a range of concrete examples from an experiences practitioner. 


Eight weeks of Infotainment at its best


Over the next eight weeks, Antonia Koop, the founder of PECOJON (The Peace and Conflict Journalism Network) will guide us through key aspects of conflict sensitive journalism and what it means to translate theory into media practice. Each episode is between 15 and 45 minutes long. So all in all, we are in for more than three hours of infotainment at its best.



Episode I: Conflict Sensitive Journalism

Post by Bjoern Eser from The Peacebuilding Practitioner.